Monday, September 29, 2008

Best day of my life...

Alright, so I decided for my next post to be about one of the best days of my life. A day I maybe should appreciate a little more. A day that I didn't even really want to happen at first. Looking back on this single day I realized that I have a pretty good life. It all started with waking up early on a saturday morning (7 am, which is pretty early on a saturday for me!) and driving with 3 of my best friends to Salt Lake to see one of my favorite bands play. Now any normal grateful person would be so excited but for some odd reason I was not looking forward to it. I almost, for a split second, thought about staying in bed. But I decided to live life a little and go. So after taking a few detours we finally made it to Usana Ampitheater for The Big Ass show (yes that is what it's called). Once we got there and took our seats I was so content just chilling in the sun and listening to some good music. Now the band I was most excited to see was a little band by the name of Jack's Mannequin!!! This was my second time seeing them and now that I was there, I was just as excited to see them as I was the first time around. But the best part of my day hadn't even happened yet, as a matter of fact, I was unaware about it at first. I had no idea that i would end up meeting Andrew McMahon from Jack's Mannequin! It was probably one of the most surreal things to ever happen to me. Just hearing his voice talking to me, having a small, casual conversation with him was amazing. After that moment I couldn't stop smiling and I was so happy. When it was finally time for Jack's Mannequin to play words can't describe the moment I was in... everything was so perfect. There is nothing better than standing right in front of a stage with your favorite band performing, dancing and singing along with them at the top of your lungs. Jack's music is such an inspiration to me and so is Andrew McMahon. His lyrics are so inspiring and tell such a great story. It was a great day.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What is up everyone??!!

so this is my very first blogging experience ever! I'm pretty excited about it and to just let all my thouhts spill out onto this page! I hope it is something that i will keep up with and that people might be somewhat interested in what i have to say! So until my next post peace out everyone!